Monday, May 17, 2010

Shooting of Kurdish Student Sparks Protests

Radikal reports that the violence that broke out between students at Dokuz Eylul University in Mugla last Tuesday and resulted in a police officer shooting a Kurdish student has sparked protests in Hakkari, where the student was from. The incident was initially reported to have started off as a confrontation between students over a girlfriend, but was later revealed to be ethnic in nature. Some papers also reported that the clash was between leftist and rightist students. The officer who shot the student has been arrested.

UPDATE I (5/19) -- Serzan Kurt, he student who was shot last Tuesday, has died. From Hurriyet Daily News: Ömer Kurt, Şerzan Kurt’s father, said to Fırat News Agency: “My son did not die with a stray bullet. The biggest reason for him being killed is him being Kurdish."

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