Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dağlıca Trial Seeks Taraf Report

From BIA-Net:
The Military Court attached to the Van Gendarmerie Corps Command Post have decided to ask the Military Prosecutor for the General Staff report about the eight soldiers kidnapped by the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) in Hakkari province in the eastern Turkey, which was published by daily Taraf under the title “Dağlıca ambush was known.”

The report published by Taraf on June 25, 2008 had made it clear that the authorities had known ahead of time about the Dağlıca ambush that had cost the lives of 13 soldiers and led to the kidnapping of eight.

Dinçel Aslan, the lawyer of Ramazan Yüce, told bianet that the fact the military asked for the report was important for reaching the truth and formalizing their demand regarding his client that he had reported the ambush, but these reports had been destroyed.

. . . .

According to the documents published by daily Taraf, the information about where the ambush was to take place, its coordinates, and its time were in the intelligence report stamped urgent by the Van Gendarmerie Law and Order Corps Command Post in detail. (EÖ/EZÖ/TB)
Today's Zaman has drawn an provocative link between Ergenekon and the disaster at Dağlıca. For more on Dağlıca, see my posts of July 1 and Feb. 5.

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